Give Us A Call : 281-931-1622


Licensed, Insured & Bonded Paving Contractor

Ascrete, Inc. is fully insured up to $5,000,000 in general liability insurance and can furnish payment and performance bonds for those jobs that require bonding. We can handle all of your commercial and industrial parking lot needs!

Free Estimates Available

Schedule your free estimate with a member of our sales team to see exactly what Ascrete, Inc. can do for you. 281-931-1622.

Licensed Insured Bonded Paving Contractor Asphalt Paving and Repair

Ascrete Inc. has been providing Asphalt Paving services for over forty years.  We provide a wide array of Asphalt services some of which include: Overlay of existing driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and roads. New construction from the ground up.  Sub grade and base repair.  Asphalt cap repairs.  Asphalt speed bumps and valleys.

Concrete Paving & Repair

We also provide many concrete services:  New concrete parking and driveway construction and repair. Concrete sidewalk new and repair. Concrete curb, valley and trench repair.

Seal Coating

Asphalt Sealer will add protection, improve appearance, and add years of life to your Asphalt parking and driveway areas.  We highly recommend Seal coating and can handle any size project needed.


We also can handle any of your striping needs, from handicap spaces, bollards, curbs, and everything in between.

Crack Fill

Another highly recommended maintenance item, we offer both hot pour and cold pour options to handle your crack sealing needs.


Ascrete can also provided other services not listed here, such as wheel stops, bollards, culverts and other parking lot and driveways needs.


If you have questions don’t hesitate to call at 281-931-1622.